Thursday 16 September 2010

Boxing on Holiday in Thailand, plus martial arts

I went to learn to box,

in the western sense of the term with no punches kicks knees elbows, but the speed and power of the boxers on a simple teqnique basis was awsome to watch.

Anyway i spared with near 300 people then had to take a 2 minuet break followed quickly by another 300 fights, to say the least i was rather tired after boxing in this manner. good luck to all thai boxer talk who want to box...

thai boxing is the sport of true fighters and boxing is a slimmed down, very specific sport.

peace to my fellow fighters

Thursday 2 September 2010

Second day doing muay thai in thailand

Last night we headed out in thailand down walking street. So i was not ready for the muay thai training this morning that i promised myself.

So i woke up around 12noon with a hangover and put on ong bak 2 on the TV which helped motivate me towards heading gown to the muay thai club.

I arrived and instantly i realized i had left my thai boxing equipment at my hotel and would need to get a motorbike taxi back to the hotel. after getting my stuff it was time to learn how to hand wrap and warm up ready to train. I really found it hot and if it wasnt for the help of a nak muay named Ikon i dont know how i would of finished the day. after the gym it was time to head to the bar and boxing advertise myself for the bar girls :)

please see the sitemap of this thai fighter site for info on how to train like i have in thailand. and here for the best thai boxing links

Please read on tomorrow to find out how my 3 hour hard core training session tomorrow.

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Wednesday 1 September 2010

My First Day in Thailand for Thai Boxing

I arrived in Thailand ready to thaibox from the second i got off the plane.

I knew thailand was the home of thai boxer  everywhere so wanted to go see what it was like in the muay thai gyms compared to england. the only problem i saw was the fighter forum being it was difficult to communicate as i didnt speak the language.

I arrived with my new boxing gloves from fairtex twins and king i then needed the best shin pads again i found the fairtex shin pads better than the twins shin pads I also needed the best place for muay thai information to figure out how i was going to use all of this equipment.

To say the least it was a lot to take in on my first day in the land of smiles for a bit of muay thai fighting. I did wonder about ong bak the warrior king and how many other thai boxing films there were.